Friday, November 2, 2012

"Things That Make You Say Hmmmmm" Episode 1

Time for a new segment called: 

"Things That Make You Say Hmmmmm" 

Let me preface this first episode with the understanding that when I talk about THEY/THEM, I'm talking about the extreme right, both fiscal and religious, that has dominated the election season with their vitriol BS and flag waiving, freedom toting propaganda.

We'll call this first episode:

"You Can Have My Uterus When You Pry It From My Cold Dead Fingers."

Extreme right Republicans and Tea Party members SAY they want less government in their lives, right? They don't want the government in their lives putting limits on their freedoms even when their choices can have devastating and life threatening consequences for other people. They don't want gun control, or regulations set by the EPA, or being told they have to buy health insurance. They don't want the government mandating things and they don't want the money spent on maintaining the government agencies that are responsible for upholding those regulations. They don't want the government paying for other people's mistakes (as in people who make the mistake of being poor). Even though these things save lives, in their mind that is not a good enough reason for limiting their freedoms and making them pay for the pleasure. Truthfully, I don't take issue with that line of thinking. I don't agree with it, but I respect it is one of the two major philosophies of government going back to our beginnings.

 HOWEVER, these exact same people (with some exceptions) want to tell WOMEN what WE can do with OUR bodies. These same people want to take away the most basic freedom of all, control over our own bodies. They say abortion is wrong and we should be denied control of our bodies in the interests of life.

So they want to save a life? 

Well, lets see. So they force a woman to have little Timmy who she can't afford, or worse, doesn't want. So here he is. Now what? They don't want the government to help feed him or help him go to the doctor. They don't want the government to make sure he has a good school to go to. They don't even want the government to provide his mother with the education and resources to give him those things herself.
Fast forward 15 years.
Where is Timmy?
He's in Jail.
He eventually ends up dead or in jail for the rest of his life because he had no decent education and no one looking out for him.
So one saved fetus, one sad wasted life that in the end the government still had to pay for.

Same scenario, but this time with a woman who CHOSE to have Timmy despite all the obstacles she and her baby would face together. This time because Timmy's mother had a choice rather than a child being forced on her, she fights for her baby tooth and nail and never gives up. She works hard because she chose this and gives her best effort. He grows up without a lot, but he's strong and finds his way to a good life because he had a mom that wanted him and looked after him.
This is an ideal view, but it is the difference that just having a choice makes.

To sum up: 
It looks as though they only care about the life while it's in our wombs.
So is life really what they care about?

The lack of consistency in the extreme right's reasoning leads me to believe that one of two things is happening. They are either hiding their true agenda by poking a stick at the hornets nest of morality law OR they are truly stupid.
Okay. Stupidity is an oversimplified and sophomoric cop-out in an otherwise intelligent rant.
In truth I believe religion is to blame. The people who love their guns and freedom, but are overly preoccupied with making what I do with my own uterus illegal, or for that matter what gender I marry, or what I choose to do for a living,  have one set of beliefs about freedom and then another set of beliefs handed to them by their church.
Their religion and politics are at odds with one another.
THIS, Ladies and Gentlemen In Support, is why religion and a true free democratic government should NEVER MIX.

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